check list How to work with Vendors post covid

We have all been in this together from couples to families, venue owner to florist everyone is working hard to get all the things run smoothly. Working with vendors has never been easy, even before, while covid has added a few more steps. But fret not, your wedding vendors are right here with you—not only assisting you through your plans, but also keeping their business afloat during this difficult time.


Below are the points you need to add to your checklist.

1. choosing local vendor

It would be a sensible decision to choose local vendors with changing guidelines. It will not only assure timely delivery, but will also be cost-saving.

2.Video calls should be the meeting venue

Try to minimize in-person meetings as much as you can. A virtual platform should be your new hangout place when it comes to planning a wedding. As a response to the pandemic, vendors are trying to take every possible task online with the help of virtual tools and presentations. They are flexing their creativity and helping couples to plan from the comfort of their home.

3. Ensure Safety

Everything cannot be virtual no matter how hard we try, certain vendors like photographers might need to be physically present during a wedding. Plan all the measures and norms keeping in mind the vendor’s requirements and Govt guidelines in advance. Make sure to choose the vendors who abide by them during the execution of the event.

4. Virtual Shopping and Trial

Thanks to the digital age for making online shopping a new spree. All the wedding designers, bouquets, and stores are displaying their products digitally on all the platforms possible. And with their e-alteration option, customization, and customer support, it becomes easy to pick the perfectly fitted outfit without even stepping out of the home.

5. being flexible

Changing virus strains to changing guidelines and economies you cannot predict what will come next. So make sure you and your vendor are flexible and ready to make the best out of what is available and feasible in that situation.

6. Always rely on written communication and contracts

Poor internet connection, background disturbances, and app crashes are common these days, which can create miscommunications. Tell your vendor to share the minutes of the meeting or vice versa to be on the same page. This will help you maintain good relations and will ease the planning process.

7. Asking for References

As you are not visiting the vendors in person it won’t be practicable considering the current situation. To decide the vendor on what they say and show to you during meetings is little grinding. Tell them to share the previous client’s testimonials, their actual work, or tell them to send some samples. Do a little bit of survey online (Thanks to Google)before finalizing any vendor.

8. be clear on terms and conditions

Every morning we hear some new guidelines and restrictions popping up. Ask vendors to send their terms and conditions in case of cancellation, postpone and refunds along with the clear payment terms( recommend asking for written or emailed contracts).

9. working with visuals

Sometimes it is difficult to explain exactly what you are looking for and what you want to incorporate in terms of look and feel. Consider having visuals of your vision (inspiration) for better communication.

10. setting timelines

Planning virtually doesn’t put an end to the time, no doubt discussing things from home might take a little longer, but you should prepare a fixed timeline. Have a countdown clock ticking for every vendor.

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Wedkosh is a platform that will assist you with admiring inspirations, ideas, unique concepts, dos, and don’ts of a wedding, tips on getting started, and more to embellish your wedding celebration.


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